We are here to glorify Jesus. We do that by seeking to live our lives led by his holy spirit and the power of his word, through the bible.  We believe God has called Harbour church to be a place of Rescue and Renewal, where all can come as they are and experience the life changing good news of Jesus and his love


We believe relationship starts with God, he meets our greatest need and desire for connection. From him flows the ability to love others. 

We are a people that prioritise relationship over program and you will find there are many ways to connect with God and others in our community.

Presence of God 

We believe in a God who desires to dwell with people. The cross shows us that God has gone to unimaginable lengths to come close to us. 

At harbour we make space in all our gatherings for God to meet with us as individuals


Worship is not just singing, it’s our very lives, but there is also something so powerful when we speak and sing our praise to Jesus, we receive his truth, we experience his presence , he touches our hearts. At Harbour we love to praise God with song and feel called to release a joyful sound of praise into our community, within our homes and in various spaces. We host a number of evenings dedicated to worshiping Jesus whether that be in the intimate space of a home or in a wider space within the community


(Ephesians 6v18)

We believe one of the greatest privileges known to man is that we can touch the heart of God. Prayer is simply talking, fellowshipping and calling on God. God is moved as we are moved in prayer. We encourage each other in prayer through prayer triplets, hub groups, midweek meets and in our gatherings. 

We also have opportunities to receive prayer for areas where we are seeking Gods intervention eg healing, wholeness, peace.


(Romans 15v5-6)

We believe that we are not just called to be a blessing to ourselves as Harbour, but to the community of Falmouth, Penryn and Cornwall. We desire to partner and be a blessing with our fellow church communities in sharing the good news and bringing Gods love and light into our community

The Word 

(John 1v1 & 2 Tim  3 v 16-17)

We love Jesus and Jesus is the word, so we love his word as revealed to us through the Bible. We preach the word in our Sunday gatherings and also teach the word in our smaller groups. 

We want to help equip every believer to have the confidence to engage and enjoy the word of God.


(Matthew 28 v18-20)

Gods mission is our focus, to rescue a lost people and redeem a broken world (John 3 v16-17) We aim to live our lives as witnesses of the grace and power of Jesus to forgive sins and transform lives. Yes we will have organised times to share the gospel together, but more than that we aim to empower each one of us to be the witnesses Jesus has called us to be, in the places and spaces he has placed us in our lives.


(Rev 21v5)

Redemption means to take what was broken and make new again. We believe that all people are born with brokenness which we can’t heal ourselves, and that Jesus is Gods hope for us all. Through his death and resurrection he makes all things new. 

At Harbour all are welcome to hear and experience the life changing message and presence of Jesus no matter your background, ethnicity, status or what the world says about you. 

Come and hear what God says and has done for you!!